Tag Archives: P&C News

Used Precision Ag Equipment

We have an unbelievable amount of used precision ag hardware and equipment. There is no better time than now to be thinking about buying a used system. Get most of the benefit without all of the upfront investment. All equipment comes with the latest firmware and updates preloaded. All equipment is thoroughly checked and tested […]

Meter Testing is in Full Swing.

Left alone, your meter will rob your yield with skips and doubles. MeterMax calibration adds harvestable ears to maximize yield. Testing your meters on our MeterMax test stand can dramatically improve the spacing accuracy of your planter. Eliminating the skips and doubles, you will increase ear counts, reduce barren stalks, and increase yields. To get […]

Are You Thinking About Side Dressing N This Season? You Should Be!

Are you looking to increase your yields but decrease your input costs? Did you know your corn uses almost 75% of its overall N needs after V10? If it runs out after pollination, growth will shut down, ears will be shorter, and grain fill will suffer. Avoid the risk of losing your N early with […]

A-M-E Custom Built Planters Now Available

We have partnered with A-M-E to offer you the planter you want and need. You can order the custom built planter from us, beginning to end exactly how you want it equipped. No expensive extra parts to buy that you won’t use. No dealing with multiple companies to try and coordinate the purchase, delivery, installation, […]

John Deere Buys Precision Planting

Most of the industry was shocked in October when Monsanto announced they were selling the hardware business Precision Planting to John Deere. I was surprised, but not shocked. I knew right along that Monsanto was not interested in owning Precision Planting long term. They had bought it from Gregg Sauder two years earlier as a […]